Monthly Archives: November 2010

The Impact of Social Media on the Telemarketing Industry

Telemarketing agencies are somewhat confused about how social media marketing will fit in with the services they currently offer.  Is this because they refuse to accept that their time-tested methodology doesn’t need to change? Or perhaps they’re not aware of the constant need to evolve and innovate in such a competitive marketplace.  Maybe social media is a black hole to them, instead of taking time to understand the potential of new tools available they are happy to sit back and wait until another company steps up to the challenge and innovates the future model of telemarketing? 

Unfortunately, there are plenty of telemarketing agencies around that are not interested in evolution. As long as there are data lists, scripts and plentiful agents, they will happily stick their head in the sand and continue throwing mud at the wall.  It wasn’t so long ago that ‘integrated marketing’ and ‘multi-channel contact strategies’ were dismissed with the same scepticism as fads and fashions soon to pass. Instead, no telemarketing expert in their right mind would be able to dismiss the weight of supporting evidence that both approaches enhance and add value to traditional calling models. 

Through the very medium of social media itself these latest digital concepts are exploding in popularity. The question is, whether the results are keeping up? It is proposed that SMM (Social Media Marketing) adds a whole new level of depth to customer interactions. Only too often however are we reading that the depth it adds is to encourage complaints, opening cans of worms for brands and provide a platfrom for collective ‘moaning’ amongst customer groups. 

There are however some very good examples of how integrating SM at the most basic levels is already adding value.  For instance, integrating individual profiles from networking sites (eg Linkedin) in to CRM systems (eg ensures that prior to calling clients a telemarketer can research their target in more depth than was ever possible before. With access to prospect’s career histories, roles and responsibilities, contacts network and even personal details like family and interests at their finger tips. All of a sudden with shared connections now visible the business world suddenly seems like a very small place. It’s a bit like the game ‘six degrees of Kevin Bacon’ where you’re never more than a couple of connections away from the movers and shakers. By integrating seamlessly using third part apps, CRM systems and SM platforms become one and the same. 

Knowledge is power, with a telemarketing campaign managed properly this knowledge will convert in to better qualified leads, increased sales and improved client relations. Of course the example I’ve talked about here primarily impacts the B2B telemarketing proposition, but bring in other social networking sites such as Facebook, social bookmarking, blogs and media sharing sites and the possibilities are mind-boggling. Maybe that’s the biggest problem, at this stage the ideas are coming faster than busy marketers can keep up with. The trick is to try new things, keep it simple and keep as close an eye on the results as you are the next big idea. So if you’re planning your ‘social mashup strategy’ don’t forget the ‘speak to an adviser’ because for now at least we haven’t come across a desktop widget that can build relationships like a real human being – but we’re keeping watch! 

What do you think about the future of telesales?

Will Social Media Marketing completely change the landscape?


Filed under Phonetic Limited, Social Media, Telemarketing