Daily Archives: August 18, 2011

Removing the mystery about marketing integration

What is Marketing Integration?

Marketing integration is simple…it’s joining up your marketing processes. It’s about joining up your database, direct marketing and digital marketing with the rest of the company, and of course with the customer. The results will be:
• Faster time to market for products, offers or incentives
• Greater relevancy and engagement with your customers
• Marketing efficiency and accountability.
According to research 69% of companies are currently allocating additional resource to understanding and implementing the areas of database and analytics in order to bring them closer to their customers.

Building a Platform

To succeed you need an integrated platform that supports your entire business process including:
• all marketing disciplines
• integration and collaboration
• strategic planning
• accountability
• measurement
“83% of marketers agree that marketing needs a more comprehensive and integrated application suite in order to improve its effectiveness.” The Forrester Wave, Suresh Vittal

Using Partners

Businesses need as much help as they can get to not only reach customers who are increasingly tuning out of communications, but also to help transform brand perceptions and make your business stand out against your competition.
It makes sense to use specific expertise and partners who understand the market and can deliver cost effective and efficient solutions because it is their area of expertise; it’s what they do.

You need to know what you know

“In God we trust; all others bring data” Barry Beracha, Sara Lee
There is a huge amount of value locked up in your databases and you need to unlock it so you can use this valuable resource for marketing purposes. Those who fail to segment, mine, model, plan, optimise and test will be overtaken by their more informed competition who have had the foresight to understand the value and behaviours of their customers.

Understanding customers as people

“70% of our decision to buy is based on how we are treated as people,” John McKena, The Centre for Information Based Competition
The way a customer is treated by your organisation will affect how likely they are to recommend your product or service. Customers are your biggest salesforce for your brand yet often they are actually overlooked and their opinions never asked. You can make the move from mass marketing to mass personalisation and become more relevant, anticipate what a customer needs and be in a position to meet those needs in an informed way.

Starting point in database marketing

Customer database management, segmentation, campaign management and closing the loop through feedback are fundamental aspects of successful direct and database marketing. If you aren’t already doing this then get a makeover from someone who knows that they are doing. If you are, why not try your hand at contact optimisation, it can increase campaign success rates by you to 50%.

How can we help?

Our strength is in the B2B market. The vast majority of our experience has been built up dealing with businesses large and small. Our operation is made up of a highly skilled workforce recruited primarily due to their suitability for the B2B markets. We employ a broad mix of team members who display maturity, influencing skills and the ability to hold conversations with business owners and influencers at all levels. Our campaigns are mostly all multi-channel integrated, and we believe these technologies support our ability to have the highest quality voice interactions with your customers. We can provide intelligent data analysis designed to get to your target market in the shortest time possible whilst reducing your costs.

It’s all adding up to growth for you!

The integrated nature of our campaigns allows you to integrate data marketing into your overall marketing strategy with ease. We can start your journey or solve a specific challenge by providing an integrated, bespoke and flexible solution. You can be confident that working with us will reduce any risk associated with outsourcing the areas of database and analytics. With an increase in customer interactions, conversations and engagement you will be providing a consistent customer experience, so stop creating a noise and start creating a symphony.

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Filed under Database, Integrated Marketing, Lead Generation, Outsourcing, Phonetic Limited