Using telemarketing as part of an integrated campaign

integrated marketingWhy Integrate?
Contrary to popular belief telemarketing remains an increasingly important part of the marketing mix. Companies that achieve good results through their marketing activity will admit that they utilise different channels of marketing to achieve their results. This combination may be advertising, internet marketing and telesales, or a combination of any other form of marketing.
It makes sense to realise that the more forms of communication you use, the more the likelihood that your message will be heard. Getting through to high level decisions makers is challenging. Getting a positive response from them is even more challenging. Carefully timed multi touched campaigns are much more effective than single isolated campaigns.

Proactive marketing works
telesales in the marketing mixTelemarketing is probably the most versatile of all the marketing services simple because it can be used to achieve a wide range of objectives from market research, sales appointments, data capture such as renewal dates and contact information, new product entry and even seminar attendance and follow ups the list is endless. This versatility means it can be integrated with many other services. A proactive telemarketing call can turn a good email marketing campaign into an excellent one. Ringing the responsive recipients of an email marketing campaign (the ones who click through and open an email) can increase the leads many times over with relatively small costs.
Similarly direct mail campaigns also benefit massively by using telemarketing for example responses may be difficult to gauge because call to actions are not as easy as clicking through a link so a proactive telesales call is useful for encouraging a more immediate response.
Telecleansing can be used after sending out any email or direct mail to address any hard bounces and correct email addresses can be checked and cleansed to ensure the database quality for future campaigns, a follow up campaign can then be sent to these corrected contacts.

Flexible and versatile
Because we are so flexible at Phonetic we can provide integrated, multi-channel approaches built to maximise ROI with “keep-warm” strategies and with flexible commercial models designed to drive down costs which means that you get the benefits of an experienced and reliable partner who is used to working with national blue chip companies.

We currently provide a wide range of services to integrate into most marketing plans including:

• Datebase building and cleansing
• Marketing research, follow up and insight gathering
• Renewal date collection
• Hotkeying
• Appointment setting
• Cross-selling and up-selling
• End-to-end sales

Opinion and advice
help and advice from phoneticIf you’re looking for a company who understands telemarketing and has years of experience or just want to chat, we’re always happy to help. We can provide opinions, advice and demonstrate a proven track record delivering quality results consistently. We have a wide range of telemarketing models that deliver across a multitude of product sets and we’re FSA authorised. Adding well-executed, integrated telemarketing campaigns to the marketing mix can help any business move beyond traditional marketing strategies and traditional earning potential.

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Filed under Direct Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Lead Generation, Outsourcing, Telemarketing, Telemarketing

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